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privacy, data protection and gdpr

DAS-01 Periodic assessment – Data protection awareness for employees

A standalone assessment for data protection. Taking the assessment is a cheaper way to establish awareness and knowledge levels without requiring to take a course.

Compliance requirement

DP01-0324 Data Protection Awareness for Employees

This course provides a general awareness of data protection and privacy legistaltion including GDPR for general employees.

Compliance requirement

DP02-0424-Data Protection Awareness for Executives

This course provides a general awareness of data protection and privacy legistaltion including GDPR for executives.

Cyber Training Centre information security course

IS01-0524 Information Security Awareness for employees

This course provides a general awareness of information security for all general employees.

Cyber Training Centre information security course

IS03-0323 Information Security Awareness for Accountable Executives

This course provides a broader level of awareness of information security for Executives who are accountable for information security in their business

Cyber Training Centre information security course

IS04-0323 Information Security Awareness Overview for Executives

This course provides a general awareness of information security for Executives

Cyber Training Centre information security course

PAS-IS01 Periodic assessment – Information Security awareness for employees

A standalone assessment for information security awareness for employees.

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