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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is free to register an account on this website. There is no obligation or requirement to purchase a course. You don’t need to enter any credit card details until you decide to proceed with purchasing courses.

We do not have telephone or chat support to help reduce costs, which keeps the price of our courses low. 

No, the course material is the Copyright of Yasecio Ltd. You must not download, copy or reproduce in any format, or derive new training material using the content. Please refer to the terms and conditions.  

Yes, we do have some options to customise courses. Please raise a support request indicating the kind of customisation you are looking for.

If you purchase a standard course or are enrolled in a standard course through a group then your access will generally be immediate and will expire, normally after 12 months. If you or your organisation purchases a customised group or enterprise package there may be a delay in setting up the course groups. Please see our documentation for full details.

When course access expires, you will no longer have access to the course materials. Normally when course access expires any course related progress data and certificates that you acquired will be automatically deleted from the system. You should make sure you retain records of courses completed and download certificates as soon as you complete the course. Data for other courses that have not expired will remain.