The Cyber Training Centre

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Data protection for General Executives (DP-02)

This course is no longer available for purchase. It has been replaced by a newer version – please click this link

Course Description

Employees working in UK commercial and third sector companies of any size need to be aware of the legal requirements for Data Protection and Privacy. It is important for employees to be aware of the context of their role and the roles of others in complying with Privacy Law. Executives in particular need to be especially aware of the requirements detailed in legislation and also best practices for information governance related to data protection. This awareness-level course focusses on the business owner and executive/trustee role, highlighting compliance requirements and the key elements of data protection governance, enabling them to consider and develop a strategy for implementing best practices and compliant privacy management systems.

Who is the course for?

The course is for Executives, Company Directors and Trustees, particularly those accountable for privacy management decisions and the processing activities relating to personal information.

This particular course is not intended for senior managers and information asset owners responsible for implementing day to day privacy/data protection management systems or role-specific process owners or system administrators. For example, there are separate role-specific courses intended for roles such as HR, IT, Sales and Marketing process and system owners where there will benefit from more detailed and role-specific training.

This course/assessment is not intended for the public sector or government organisations where special rules apply.

What training prerequisites are there for taking the course?

There are no training prerequisites. 

What level of knowledge is required?

No specific specialist knowledge is required. Knowledge of the business activities relating to controlling and processing personal data would be advantageous in order to consider the training material in context with the organisation’s operations.

What knowledge will be gained after taking the course?

  • Awareness and a general understanding of the principles of Privacy and Data Protection
  • Awareness of the UK / EU legal requirements
  • Awareness of leadership responsibilities and governance
  • Awareness of management systems, best practices, periodic reviews and performance management
  • Awareness of data protection risk and information security strategies
  • Awareness of key policies
  • Awareness of information security relating to Privacy and Data Protection
  • Awareness of data processing and subject rights and requests
  • Awareness of incident management and record keeping requirements


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